Beyond NVMe-oF Performance Hero Numbers

When it comes to selecting the right NVMe over Fabrics™ (NVMe-oF™) solution, one should look beyond test results that demonstrate NVMe-oF’s dramatic reduction in latency and consider the other, more important, questions such as “How does the transport really impact application performance?” and “How does the transport holistically fit into my environment?”

To date, the focus has been on specialized fabrics like RDMA (e.g., RoCE) because it provides the lowest possible latency, as well as Fibre Channel because it is generally considered to be the most reliable.  However, with the introduction of NVMe-oF/TCP this conversation must be expanded to also include considerations regarding scale, cost, and operations. That’s why the SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) is hosting a webcast series that will dive into answering these questions beyond the standard answer “it depends.”

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Is the Sun Setting on Some of Your Technologies?

So much of what we discuss within SNIA is the latest emerging technologies in storage. While it’s good to know about what technology is coming, it’s also important to understand the technologies that should be sunsetted.

It’s the topic of our next SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) webcast on February 3, 2021, “Storage Technologies & Practices Ripe for Refresh.”  In this webcast, you’ll learn about storage technologies and practices in your data center that are ready for refresh or possibly retirement. Find out why some long-standing technologies and practices should be re-evaluated. We’ll discuss:

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Data Deduplication FAQ

The SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) recently took on the topics surrounding data reduction with a 3-part webcast series that covered Data Reduction Basics, Data Compression and Data Deduplication. If you missed any of them, they are all available on-demand.

In Not Again! Data Deduplication for Storage Systems” our SNIA experts discussed how to reduce the number of copies of data that get stored, mirrored, or backed up. Attendees asked some interesting questions during the live event and here are answers to them all.

Q. Why do we use the term rehydration for deduplication?  I believe the use of the term rehydration when associated with deduplication is misleading. Rehydration is the activity of bringing something back to its original content/size as in compression. With deduplication the action is more aligned with a scatter/gather I/O profile and this does not require rehydration.

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Securing Data in Transit

Questions on Securing Data in Transit Answered

Data in transit provides a large attack surface for bad actors. Keeping data secure from threats and compromise while it’s being transmitted was the topic at our live SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) webcast, Securing Data in Transit. Our presenters, Claudio DeSanti, Ariel Kit, Cesar Obediente, and Brandon Hoff did an excellent job explaining how to mitigate risks.

We had several questions during the live event. Our panel of speakers have been kind enough to answer them here.

Q. Could we control the most important point – identity, that is, the permission of every data transportation must have an identity label, so that we can control anomalies and misbehaviors easily?

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NVMe Key-Value Standard Q&A

Last month, Bill Martin, SNIA Technical Council Co-Chair, presented a detailed update on what’s happening in the development and deployment of the NVMe Key-Value standard. Bill explained where Key Value fits within an architecture, why it’s important, and the standards work that is being done between NVM Express and SNIA. The webcast was one of our highest rated. If you missed it, it’s available on-demand along with the webcast slides. Attendees at the live event had many great questions, which Bill Martin has answered here:

Q. Two of the most common KV storage mechanisms in use today are AWS S3 and RocksDB. How does NVMe KV standards align or differ from them? How difficult would it be to map between the APIs and semantics of those other technologies to NVMe KV devices?

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Data Compression Q&A

Everyone is looking to squeeze more efficiency from storage. That’s why the

SNIA Networking Storage Forum hosted a live webcast last month “Compression: Putting the Squeeze on Storage.” The audience asked many great questions on compression techniques. Here are answers from our expert presenters, John Kim and Brian Will:

Q. When multiple unrelated entities are likely to compress the data, how do they understand that the data is already compressed and so skip the compression?

A. Often they can tell from the file extension or header that the file has already been compressed. Otherwise each entity that wants to compress the data will try to compress it and then discard the results if it makes the file larger (because it was already compressed). 

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How Can You Keep Data in Transit Secure?

It’s well known that data is often considered less secure while in motion, particularly across public networks, and attackers are finding increasingly innovative ways to snoop on and compromise data in flight. But risks can be mitigated with foresight and planning. So how do you adequately protect data in transit? It’s the next topic the SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) will tackle as part of our Storage Networking Security Webcast Series.  Join us October 28, 2020 for our live webcast Securing Data in Transit.

In this webcast, we’ll cover what the threats are to your data as it’s transmitted, how attackers can interfere with data along its journey, and methods of putting effective protection measures in place for data in transit. We’ll discuss: 

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Not Again! Data Deduplication for Storage Systems

As explained in our webcast on Data Reduction, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Storage But Were Too Proud to Ask: Data Reduction,” organizations inevitably store many copies of the same data. Intentionally or inadvertently, users and applications copy and store the same files over and over; with developers, testers and analysts keeping many more copies. And backup programs copy the same or only slightly modified files daily, often to multiple locations and storage devices.  It’s not unusual to end up with some data replicated thousands of times, enough to drive storage administrators and managers of IT budgets crazy. 

So how do we stop the duplication madness? Join us on November 10, 2020 for a live SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) webcast, “Not Again! Data Deduplication for Storage Systems”  where our SNIA experts will discuss how to reduce the number of copies of data that get stored, mirrored, and backed up.

Attend this sanity-saving webcast to learn more about: 

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An FAQ on Data Reduction Fundamentals

There’s a fair amount of confusion when it comes to data reduction terminology and techniques. That’s why the SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) hosted a live webcast, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Storage But Were Too Proud to Ask: Data Reduction.”  It was a 101-level lesson on the fundamentals of data reduction, which can be performed in different places and at different stages of the data lifecycle. The goal was to clear up confusion around different data reduction and data compression techniques and set the stage for deeper dive webcasts on this topic (see the end of this blog for info on those).

As promised during the webcast, here are answers to the questions we didn’t have time to address during the live event.

Q. Does block level compression have any direct advantage over file level compression?

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Optimizing NVMe over Fabrics Performance Q&A

Almost 800 people have already watched our webcast “Optimizing NVMe over Fabrics Performance with Different Ethernet Transports: Host Factors” where SNIA experts covered the factors impacting different Ethernet transport performance for NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) and provided data comparisons of NVMe over Fabrics tests with iWARP, RoCEv2 and TCP. If you missed the live event, watch it on-demand at your convenience.

The session generated a lot of questions, all answered here in this blog. In fact, many of the questions have prompted us to continue this discussion with future webcasts on NVMe-oF performance. Please follow us on Twitter @SNIANSF for upcoming dates.

Q. What factors will affect the performance of NVMe over RoCEv2 and TCP when the network between host and target is longer than typical Data Center environment? i.e., RTT > 100ms

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