It’s Time for a Re-Introduction to Ethernet Networked Storage

Ethernet technology had been a proven standard for over 30 years and there are many networked storage solutions based on Ethernet. While storage devices are evolving rapidly with new standards and specifications, Ethernet is moving towards higher speeds as well: 10Gbps, 25Gbps, 50Gbps and 100Gbps….making it time to re-introduce Ethernet Networked Storage.

That’s exactly what Rob Davis and I plan to do on August 4th in a live SNIA Ethernet Storage Forum Webcast, “Re-Introducing Ethernet Networked Storage.” We will start by providing a solid foundation on Ethernet networked storage and move to the latest advancements, challenges, use cases and benefits. You’ll hear:

  • The evolution of storage devices – spinning media to NVM
  • New standards: NVMe and NVMe over Fabric
  • A retrospect of traditional networked storage including SAN and NAS
  • How new storage devices and new standards would impact Ethernet networked storage
  • Ethernet based software-defined storage and the hyper-converged model
  • A look ahead at new Ethernet technologies optimized for networked storage in the future

I hope you will join us on August 4th at 10:00 a.m. PT. We’re confident you will learn some new things about Ethernet networked storage. Register today!

Update: If you missed the live event, it’s now available  on-demand. You can also  download the webcast slides.

Under the Hood with NVMe over Fabrics

Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) has piqued the interest of many people in the storage world. Using a robust, efficient, and highly flexible transportation protocol for SSDs, Flash, and future Non-Volatile Memory storage devices, the NVM Express group is working on extending these advantages over a networked Fabric.

Our first Webcast on The Performance Impact of NVMe over Fabrics was very well received. If you missed it, check-it out on-demand. On December 15th, Dave Minturn, Storage Architect at Intel, will join me for a deeper dive in a live Webcast, “Under the Hood with NVMe over Fabrics.” At this Webcast we’ll explain not only what NVMe over Fabrics is, but also specifically pay attention to how it works. We’ll be exploring:

  • Key terms and concepts
  • Differences between NVMe-based fabrics and SCSI-based fabrics
  • Practical examples of NVMe over Fabrics solutions
  • Important future considerations

Register now and join us as we discuss the next iteration of NVMe.  I hope to “see” you on the 15th when Dave and I will be anxious to answer your questions.

Update: If you missed the live event, it’s now available  on-demand. You can also  download the webcast slides.